I have been making videos of family events for over 20 years. When I visit my parents, I dutifully compile DVD's to present my latest productions. I show DVD's on a big screen television yet none of my relatives pay attention for more than 30 seconds.
This trip, I simply copied a a few .mp4 and .jpg files to my PlayBook before leaving. I was not expecting much. To my surprise my audience was riveted to the PlayBook screen. It didn't matter if I showed new content, or old videos from YouTube, people wanted to see everything. There is something about the intimacy of holding a 7" screen that grabbed everyone's interest.
My parents both turn 80 this year. They have never owned a computer and really don't care much about technology. They were impressed by the PlayBook - and never wanted to put it down. I may have to buy a second one.
That's very interesting. Speaks to what people expect to see on their TVs and what they expect to see on a personal device, perhaps, and the associated attention span.